What's happening

All the latest news for you and your Scouts

Volunteer team updates

November 2024

We’d like to thank a few of our volunteers who’ll be stepping down from their roles at the end of the year.

Fundraising Club Winners

June - October 2024

The Giffnock Scouts Fundraising Club helps to support the provision of an exciting and varied programme of Scouting activities for current and future generations of young people in Giffnock.

Introducing our new Lead Volunteer

Hetty takes the reigns as Lead Volunteer

We’re delighted to welcome Hetty to her new role and would like to thank Iain for all his efforts as he stands down.

Volunteer team updates

June 2023

Our volunteers make a huge impact to the lives young people in Giffnock, and we’d like to thank those who have been recently awarded and those standing down.

Our Group Camp Adventure

Read all about our jam-packed weekend!

At the start of June, nearly 150 of our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, and Volunteers came together for a brilliant weekend of fun, challenge, and adventure.

Vacancy: Leader team

Help prepare young people with skills for life

Could you give a couple of hours a week to prepare young people with skills for life?