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Data protection

December 2021


This privacy notice explains how the 28th Glasgow (Giffnock) Scout Group (the Group) collects, manages, uses and protects your data. It outlines the types of data we hold and how we use that data to provide services to members and their parents/guardians and to manage their interaction with the Group.

Our legal basis for processing your data

The Group processes and stores personal information relating to current members, past members, prospective members, the parents/guardians of such members and adult volunteers.

For most purposes the Group processes the information outlined in this notice in pursuit of our legitimate interests in managing young people’s progress through the Group and in ensuring that their parents/guardians are aware of forthcoming holiday dates for the sections, know what the sections have been doing recently and are planning to do in the coming weeks and have details of the fundraising we have undertaken or plan to undertake in order to ensure that we have the funds necessary to pay for their child’s Scouting. We also have a legitimate interest in providing current and prospective members and their parents/guardians with information about the activities undertaken by the different sections within the Group. And we have a legitimate interest in ensuring that the adult volunteers in the Group receive information, support and training relevant to their role.

Sensitive personal data relating to health and religion is processed by the Group with the consent of parents/guardians to help us ensure the safety and well-being of young people while engaged in Scouting activities. You are free to withdraw such consent at any time but doing so may mean that we have to terminate your child’s membership of the Group (as withdrawal of consent may compromise our ability to fulfil our duty of care in relation to your child).

Where your data comes from

Most of the data held by the Group is obtained in the medical form that parents/guardians complete when their child joins the Group and which they review and update each year at the Registration Nights. Information is also collected in the Parental Support forms handed in at the Registration Nights, in ‘Apply to Join’ forms that are completed by parents/guardians who wish their child’s name to be added to the waiting list for the relevant section, and in forms relating to attendance at particular camps or other activities/events.

The data we hold

We hold the following types of information about our members and their parents/guardians:

Young People

  • Name, gender, and date of birth.
  • Postal address.
  • Contact details (including personal email addresses and phone numbers in the case of older members).
  • Progress with badgework/training.
  • Meeting/event attendance.
  • Information relating to health and religion (including details of disabilities, health conditions, medications, allergies, dietary requirements, etc).

Parents/Guardians/Adult Volunteers

  • Title and name.
  • Contact details (including postal address, email address and telephone number).
  • Details of assistance offered with particular events.
  • Gift aid declarations.
  • Centenary Club membership records.

How we use your data

We will use the data to manage your child’s membership of the Group and to manage your interaction with the Group. Among other things, we will contact you from time to time to:

  • Keep you informed about the Group.
  • Let you know what the sections have been doing recently or are planning to do in the future.
  • Provide information about, or seek assistance with, specific events such as camps, activities and fundraising events.
  • Provide information about registration for the next session.

Only those members who need membership information to carry out their role within the Group have access to that information.

Protecting your data

The personal information we obtain is processed in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. When this legislation is amended or replaced, we review and update our data processing practices accordingly.

Your data is always securely processed and transmitted, and appropriate steps taken to protect it against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage. Your data will not be disclosed to anyone outwith the Scout Association except where it is necessary to provide it to third party service providers (eg Online Scout Manager) who are used by section leaders to assist with the processing of the data or where it is necessary to provide relevant data (eg participants’ names and ages) to an external activity provider. None of your data is retained by such third parties once the process is complete or used by them for any other purpose. The personal data of youth members and their parents/guardians may be shared with The Scout Association Headquarters via the Online Scout Manager platform for the purpose of managing safeguarding cases. The Scout Association Headquarters may also access anonymous data in OSM, which is not personally identifiable ( eg general membership data on numbers, ages, postcodes, genders, etc), to report on national trends. Data is never “sold” to third parties.

‘Application to Join’ forms/data are deleted or securely destroyed within 3 months of the young person joining the Group or the application being withdrawn.

Permission to camp forms and other data collected in connection with a specific event are deleted or securely destroyed within 6 months of the event taking place.

Other data relating to young people in the Group (including sensitive personal data relating to health and religion) is deleted or securely destroyed at the end of the session during which the young person leaves the Group.

Accounting records (including Gift Aid declarations) are retained for at least 7 years. Some core data (eg membership lists) may be retained for archive purposes.

Your rights

We will always try to ensure that the data we hold for you and/or your child is up to date, reasonable and not excessive. Data protection legislation gives you a number of rights in relation to your data, including the right to:

  • be informed as to how we use your data. (We aim to be transparent about the information we collect and why we are using it. You can request further information from us at any time.)
  • access or request a copy of the data we hold about you.
  • update your information at any time.

You can find out more about your rights under data protection legislation on the Information Commissioner’s website –

Should you wish to exercise any of these rights at any time, please contact your child’s section leader in the first instance.


If you have any questions about this privacy notice please contact the Group Chairman at:

Group Chairman
28th Glasgow (Giffnock) Scout Group
The Scout Hall
2-4 Arthurlie Drive
Glasgow G46 6UP

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