
Complete the form & we'll be in touch!

Please note:
Unfortunately, our Beaver Colonies, Cub Packs, and Scout Troop are full, and have long waiting lists for young people already aged 6 – 10.
If you can help us accept more young people by volunteering, please get in touch.

It is unlikely that we will be able to offer a place for young people already of age to join Beavers, Cubs, or Scouts.

Useful information

Waiting Lists

For Beavers & Cubs we operate a waiting list and while we try to accomodate as many young people as possible, we may suggest looking at other nearby Scout groups when we’re reaching maximum capacity for a certain intake. Young people can be added to our waiting list for Beavers at any time in advance of their 6th birthday.

Where possible we always try to accommodate young people who are moving in to the area and transferring from another Scout Group, or where siblings of existing members are looking to join.

We also may give priority to the children of volunteers, especially those in leader roles. Click here to find out how volunteering is also #GoodForYou.

Annual Subscription

Of each section’s annual subscription, £41 is passed directly to the Scout Association in membership fees. The balance is retained by the section to meet the day-to-day running costs of the section – eg helping to pay for craft materials and outings and activities.

None of the annual subscription is used to meet the costs involved in running and maintaining the Scout Hall and purchasing and maintaining camping and activities equipment.

We don’t want money to be a barrier to any young person participating in Scouting. Please contact Iain, our Group Scout Leader, for a confidential chat if finances ever get in the way of a young person being a Scout.

Expected Parent Support

None of the annual subscription goes toward the costs involved in the running and upkeep of our Scout Hall, which is why we run an annual programme of fundraising events.

We rely on the active support of all parents/guardians to ensure the success of each event and to raise the £17000 or so – or approximately £99 per young person – that it costs to run and maintain the Scout Hall each year.

At the 28th, we expect every family to get involved in helping with our fundraising. In particular, we expect at least one parent/guardian from each family to assist with our annual Jumble Sale in early October, which is our main fundraising event.

More about our sections