Welcome to the adventure!

Important information for new Cubs and Parents.

Welcome to the 28th Glasgow (Giffnock) Scout Group.

This page has important information for the parents of new Cubs joining us for the next term.
Please take the time to read the following information, and follow the steps to using OSM.

Cub Scouts is the second section at the 28th.
As a Cub, your child will join their Cub Pack on exciting adventures, discovering hidden talents and exploring the world around them.
After a few weeks of attending Cub Scouts, your child will be ‘invested’. This is when they promise to do their best and help others. Find the various versions of the Cub Scout Promise below.
Scouting opens the eyes of young people to a world of extraordinary possibilities.

Using OSM

Steps for new parents to enter important information

Joining Tuesday Cubs

Tuesday Cubs meet from 19:00 – 20:30. Generally, when East Renfrewshire schools are open, Cubs will be on (but the leaders will keep you right)!

Sheila Oxburgh is the Section Leader and is supported by a number of Assistant Leaders & Young Leaders.
You can contact the Tuesday Cubs team by email: tuesdaycubs@giffnockscouts.org.uk
Please ensure that you have this email address in your safe sender’s list so that you receive emails about arrangements for Cub meetings, including details of any late changes.

Details about the first night will be sent out in advance.

Please ensure Cubs arrive on time, bring their own water bottle, and are dressed appropriately for active activities (don’t worry about uniform for the first few weeks).

Joining Wednesday Cubs

Wednesday Cubs meet from 19:00 – 20:30. Generally, when East Renfrewshire schools are open, Cubs will be on (but the leaders will keep you right)!

Derek Ritchie is the Section Leader and is supported by a number of Assistant Leaders & Young Leaders.
You can contact the Wednesday Cubs team by email: wednesdaycubs@giffnockscouts.org.uk
Please ensure that you have this email address in your safe sender’s list so that you receive emails about arrangements for Cub meetings, including details of any late changes.

Details of the first night will be sent out in advance.

Please ensure Cubs arrive on time, bring their own water bottle, and are dressed appropriately for active activities (don’t worry about uniform for the first few weeks).

What uniform do Cubs wear?

Cubs don’t need a uniform to join, but soon Cubs will start earning badges and need a place to put them! After a few weeks of being a Cub, your leaders will tell you what you need.

The Cubs uniform consists of a green sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and the 28th ‘neckie’ to represent our local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts, if you’d like to.

Please ensure that all items of uniform (and jackets etc) are labelled with your child’s name.

For meetings outdoors, please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions, including, where appropriate, a fleece top, a waterproof jacket with hood, waterproof trousers, hat, gloves and wellies or waterproof boots.

Annual Subscription

The full year subscription for Cubs for 2022/23 is £80.
Of this sum, we have to pass on to the Scout Association £41 per head in membership fees. The balance is retained by the Cub Pack to meet week-to- week running costs (including paying for things like badges, equipment, and programme materials, etc). None of the subscription goes towards the costs involved in running and maintaining the Scout Hall. That costs an extra £90 or so per head per year.

We rely on fundraising to raise that sum and, as you know, we expect every family to assist with that.

Parent involvement

Our Scout Group is run entirely by volunteers. Each week leaders give up some of their time to plan and run weekly meetings for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. As well as this, there are a large number of volunteers who help behind the scenes to ensure that the Group runs smoothly.
In order to continue providing a full and varied programme of activities for our young people, we need your help!

We need additional volunteers to join our team – either working directly with young people, or behind-the-scenes. Even if you can only spare an hour a month, please get in touch. We’d be delighted to chat with you about how you could help.

Stay in the loop

Website & social media
Make sure to keep an eye on our group website for information about what’s happening in the group, and for useful resources for our members and parents.

Social media

Make sure to follow @GiffnockScouts on social media for updates & photos of what we get up to!


The Group issues 3 Group Newsletters each year, These contain details of forthcoming events and reports on what the Beavers and other sections have been up to. The sections take photos of activities for display at the Registration Nights in August and for use in the Newsletters, the Group website and other media. If you have any concerns about this, please speak to the Section Leader.

Moving to Scouts

Your child will normally progress from Cubs to Scouts (which meet on a Thursday evening) around the age of 10½. Further information will be provided nearer the time.

Further information

For further information about what your child can expect as a Cub, please see the Parents’ Guide to Cub Scouts:

Promises and ceremonies

As well as enjoying plenty of adventures, being a Cub is about going on a journey to understand who you are and what you stand for. When you join the Pack, you’ll explore these ideas by making a promise. A promise is a set of words that mean something to you, which you try to follow everyday.

Making the promise is a big celebration within the Pack. Every time a new Cub decides to join permanently, they chat through their promise with their Cub leader before saying it out loud in front of their fellow Cubs. Family and friends might come along to see this, too. The process is known as being ‘invested’ into Cubs, and it usually takes place a few weeks into your Cub experience, once you’ve had time to settle in.

Everyone is unique but there are some things all Cubs agree on – such as the importance of treating everyone in the Pack with kindness, and doing their best to care for the community and wider world in which they live. Cubs make a promise to do their best to make a positive contribution to society. Depending on their own beliefs, they might also promise to live by their faith.

Cubs choose the promise that best suits them. 

For Christians, Jews and Sikhs

I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

For Hindus and Buddhists

I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to my Dharma
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

For humanists, atheists and those with no defined faith

I promise that I will do my best
to uphold our Scout values,
to do my duty to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

For Muslims

I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to Allah
and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

Visit The Glasgow Scout Shop online for all the accessories and uniform you could need!

All of our leaders are trained volunteers, working to make sure Scouting is safe and open to all. Some lead Cubs week in and week out.

Others help when they can or drop in to share their skills. No matter how much time you have to spare, find out about volunteering on your own terms.