Will I be supported?

Yes! Volunteers are supported by other volunteers at three different levels, the group (28th Glasgow), District (Eastwood) and Region (Clyde). So no matter what advice or support is needed there is always someone to help out. From the start new…

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What opportunities are there for volunteers?

Training, adventurous activity permits such as archery, air rifle shooting and power-boating and much more! Scouting is about personal development and this is not only for the young people involved in the association, we want you to have the opportunity…

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Is Scouting inclusive?

Every Scout and Scout Leader is the same. Unique! So we’re always working to make Scouting more inclusive: we always do our best to accommodate volunteers with different requirements or abilities.

Do I need to have been a Scout?

No! Scout Leaders come in many shapes and sizes, and from a variety of backgrounds. You do not need to have any previous experience within Scouting to take part. You may have skills from other areas of your life that…

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