As we prepare to welcome young people back to the hall for a new session of Scouting at the 28th, we wanted to take a moment to update you on a few changes to our volunteer team.

Thank you, Peter and Andy
As mentioned in our Summer newsletter, after nearly 11 years in the role, Peter Ritchie has now stood down from the role as Group Chair. Peter has given over 40 years of dedicated service to the 28th Glasgow Scout Group and has truly gone above and beyond as Chairman over the last decade. Often found behind a camera, a stack of books at Jumble Sale time, or his table in the store, Peter’s dedication to the Group and attention to detail has seen the Group go from strength to strength over the years. Peter reassures us that he won’t be disappearing any time soon, and we’re incredibly grateful that he’ll be continuing his other roles as Group Archivist, Group Quartermaster and Hall Convener.
Explorer Scout Leader Andy Loudon is also passing on the baton after nearly 14 years in the section. Andy’s delivered incredible opportunities for hundreds of young people throughout his time in the section. From first nights away under canvas to international mystery trips in Europe, and section programmes ranging from exam stress busting to motocross and fencing, Andy’s prepared young people with skills and confidence that will last a life time. Andy will also be continuing to support the Group in his roles as Deputy Group Scout Leader and Group Training Advisor.
You can read the Summer newsletter here >

Section Leader updates
Section Leaders play a pivotal role in the management and leadership of each of our six sections. We’re delighted to share that Ann Touseef will be taking over as Section Leader of Friday Beavers, and Andy Lawson will become our next Explorers Section Leader.
Ann joined the Friday Beavers team in August 2020, six months after her son started in the section (just before the first lockdown and Beavers moved online!). Ann’s keen to hear from the Beavers on what they want to get out of their time in the section, and will be working with the rest of the Friday Beavers team to plan a programme of fun activities and badge-earning adventures. Ann takes over the role from Iain Campbell, Group Scout Leader, who has been acting in the role for the last year. Thank you Iain for your support to the Beavers.
Andy Lawson will be taking over from Andy Loudon as Explorer Scout Section Leader after being an assistant in the Explorers team for six years. Before that, Andy was a Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer himself at the 28th. Andy says he’s looking forward to the upcoming session of Explorers, and the opportunity to provide the next generation of young people with the same experiences that have had such a positive impact on his life.

We’re lucky to have an awesome team
Thank you, as always, to everyone involved in making our group work. Our parents that iron uniforms and drop their children off on time each week, our leaders who squeeze in planning and running activities around busy lives, our trustees who help Scouts run smoothly, and all our supporters that are there when we need them.
Scouting wouldn’t happen without you, so thank you!
It takes a big team to make Scouting happen, and there’s always room for an extra pair of hands. If you’d like to get involved – volunteering with young people or behind the scenes (such as helping with our governance or administration) – then we’d love to hear from you.