We’re delighted to announce that Hetty has taken on the role of Lead Volunteer (previously known as Group Scout Leader) at the 28th Glasgow Scouts. As Lead Volunteer, Hetty will be working to ensure all our leaders are fully supported to provide high quality programmes that prepare young people with skills for life.
With over 15 years of volunteer experience with Scouts, Hetty is best known for her role at Monday Beavers where she started as a Young Leader, and currently leads the section team.
We asked Hetty to give us an overview of her time in Scouts and what motivates her to volunteer:
Unlike many Scouting histories mine is pretty short – at least in writing! Having been a Rainbow, Brownie and Guide I jumped ship and started helping out at Monday Beavers at the 28th for my Duke of Edinburgh award in 2004. And bar the two and a half years I spent down in Staffordshire for my first job when I was a part of the 18th Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle (Blythe Bridge) Group I’ve been a Monday Beaver Leader with the 28th ever since. Now that Iain has decided to step down from the role of GSL, it seems a new challenge awaits me.
Over the years, many people have expressed surprise or asked me why I choose to volunteer with the Scouts. While it’s true that initially my volunteering was a means to an end, the reason I have chosen to stay can be summed up perfectly by a quote from the founder of the Scouting Movement, Baden Powell, in his last message to the Scouts;
“Try and leave this world a little better than you found it”
I choose to volunteer my time with Scouts because I see the difference it can make to young people, the skills they learn, the fun they have, the friendships they make and the way it helps them grow. The young people of today grow into the adults of tomorrow so what we teach them about the world matters. And by helping to provide these opportunities, I hope I am leaving the world a little better than I found it.
I’m sure the role of GSL will not be all plain sailing but I am looking forward to the challenges ahead.
Hetty, Lead Volunteer
Thank you, Iain

As Iain’s time in the role comes to an end, we’d like to thank him on behalf of everyone at the 28th for his time and efforts in supporting Scouting. From getting the group back together after restrictions, managing our compliance in adult training, and to heading up the catering team at group camp, Iain has made a significant contribution to the group.
On standing down from the role, Iain has offered some reflections:
As I step down as GSL I reflect on what has been a busy 2.5 years, with many highlights; returning to face-to-face activities after the pandemic, leading Friday Beavers, taking part in some of the many section activities, and finally having the opportunity to enjoy what was a fantastic Group camp in June.
All of this doesn’t happen without the dedication of the volunteers across the Committee, Sections, and those who have been long supporters of the 28th.
There is no magical group of Scout Leaders and Committee members who make this happen – Scouting at a Group level is a driven as the parents take the opportunity to volunteer, learn new skills, and give their time to the local community. It’s not a club, its a community, who work together to provide a rewarding engaging programme for young people.
My journey into Scouting started helping out as a volunteer at the 121 Scouts, then being asked to join the Committee, being appointed Group Chair, and then finally being the GSL of the 28th – all over a period where my 3 children undertook their Scouting journey from Beavers to Explorers, taking part in local, national, & International camps, including the World Scout Jamboree in the US in 2019.
Through my time in Scouts the parents who have given their time have not only enjoyed the experience, but have had fun ! The 28th needs more parents to step forward to volunteer to ensure we can continue to deliver the experiences that shape our young people and give them the skills to thrive in today’s world.
As my Scouting journey comes to a close (for now), I urge you to step forward, join in, and ensure the experiences for your young people in their Scouting journey continue – you will not regret it !
Iain Campbell, Former Group Scout Leader
Help maximise our potential
Whether you can give a couple of hours a week to join a section leadership team, support behind the scenes with planning or admin, or even just have a few suggestions to improve how things are done; we’d love to hear from you.
Please get in touch by email (info@giffnockscouts.org.uk) or send us a text on WhatsApp (+44 141 638 0282).