Giffnock Scouts Fundraising Club

Join the Giffnock Scouts Fundraising Club so the 28th can continue to inspire doers and give-it-a-goers of the future.

Join the Giffnock Scouts Fundraising Club

Help to support the provision of an exciting and varied programme of Scouting activities for current and future generations of young people in Giffnock.

Membership costs just £24 per year. Members are allocated 2 numbers which are included in the monthly prize draw.

ALL profits from the Club go directly to support the costs involved in running and maintaining the Scout Hall.

The Club was previously known as the ‘200 Club’ (until 2012) and the Centenary Club (from 2012 – 2021).

For further information and a membership pack, please get in touch.

Further information:
  1. The ‘Giffnock Scouts Fundraising Club’ is a private society lottery operated under the Gambling Act 2005. The promoter is the Group Scout Leader of the 28th Glasgow (Giffnock) Scout Group, The Scout Hall, Arthurlie Drive, Giffnock, Glasgow G46.
  2. Membership of the Club is open to current and former members of the Group and the parents of current and former members of the Group. Members must be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Silver Members (ie those who joined prior to 1 February 2012) pay £12 per year. They are allocated one number which is included in the monthly draw during each of the 12 months covered by their subscription. Silver Membership was closed to new members on 31 January 2012.
  4. Gold Members pay £24 per year. They are allocated two numbers which are included in the monthly draw during each of the 12 months covered by their subscription.
  5. All numbers included in the monthly draw have an equal chance of winning.
  6. The monthly prize draw is carried out under the supervision of the Group Executive Committee. Each month there is one prize of £50. There are two prizes of £200 each year – one is drawn in June and one in December.
  7. All profits made by the Club will be used to support the work of the Group.
  8. Winners of prizes will be notified by post. The results of draws will also be published on the Group’s website.
  9. Rights created by membership of the Club are non-transferable.
  10. The Group reserves the right to amend the rules of the ‘Giffnock Scouts Fundraising Club’ from time to time. A copy of the current rules will be available on the Group’s website.