On Tuesday, 8th February, the 28th became 110 years old!
It was on this day in 1912, at a meeting in the Lesser Hall of Giffnock U F Church that it was decided “an effort should be made to start a Giffnock Troop”. Those efforts were of course successful, and the group has gone from strength to strength over the years. Thank you to all of our volunteers, members, and supporters who have made the 28th what it is today, and here’s to another amazing 110 years of Scouting in Giffnock!
Our constituency MSP, Jackson Carlaw, has submitted a motion to The Scottish Parliament to officially mark 110 years of Scouting in Giffnock. We’re incredibly proud of the part that the 28th has played in our community and look forward to this continuing for many years to come!
You can view the motion on The Scottish Parliament’s website.