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Spring 2024 Group Update

Key information from the Spring 2024 Update

Thank you for taking a moment to catch up on the key information from our spring update.
The update was an opportunity to discuss proposed changes to our safety and financial processes, share plans to support programme delivery, and hear how the sections have been getting on.

Strategy update & topics for this update
  • Since the Group’s development day in October 2023, work has continued on the three strategic ‘themes’ identified from over the weekend; People, Programme, and Governance.
  • Working on these three themes will better equip us to prepare more young people with skills for life.
  • The slide on the left shows how topics discussed in the meeting aligned with the themes
Staying safe and assessing risk
  • Safety and assessing risk have been priorities for the trustee board in recent months.
  • At recent meetings, trustees have been clear of their appreciation (on behalf of all parents) for the time and efforts that leaders provide to scouting at the 28th – we want any changes to our safety processes to be in collaboration with leaders, ensuring that they are confident and feel supported to deliver inspiring programmes safely.
  • Since 2022, a written risk assessment is required for all activities – everyone has a part to play in this.
  • Trustees are in the process of reviewing our existing risk assessments, understanding what reasonable mitigations are already used by leaders, and importing them to OSM.
  • OSM allows leaders to share and re-use existing risks and mitigations when leaders are planning the programme, we want to prioritise training for leaders to get used to this system so we can use it as our primary risk assessment tool going forward.
Expanding our use of OSM
  • OSM has an incredible list of features that can significantly reduce the administrative burden on leaders
  • A key theme from the October development day was the goal of planning programmes further in advance, and increasing the number of young people who achieve top awards – OSM can help with this.
  • The slide shows a non-exhaustive list of features available to leaders.
  • Especially as we move our risk assessment and financial processes to OSM, we want to provide opportunities for all leaders to be trained in using OSM to make the best use of it
Finance transformation
  • All sections team leaders can now access a prepaid card.
  • From August, all sections will have an annual budget (based on the section size).
  • The budget will be tracked in OSM. OSM will ask for receipts and a category for every purchase made with a prepaid card. Purchases made without a prepaid card will be claimed through a centralised expense form.
  • Starting next financial year, the group will use OSM complete the annual accounts report. Sections will no longer have this administrative burden.
Progression over the summer
  • A timeline for progression actions was shared (see slide).
  • Where parents are requesting for young people to stay in a section longer/ move up earlier, please consult with the leadership team first to help manage section sizes.
People updates
  • The flexible support community was launched during the easter holiday. Efforts to expand parental involvement in the running of the group (including programme delivery and other supporting manageable tasks) will be prioritised for registration week. We’re exploring targeted welcome sessions for Beaver parents to share more about how the group works, and the impact they could have by lending a hand.
  • Leaders will be consulted on running a group get-together in September. This would have a focus on programme delivery, including planning programmes and assessing risk.

Finally, a big thank you, for everything that you continue to do for young people at the 28th. It was great to hear positive reports from the sections as they gear up for the summer and end-of-term plans.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: