Scout Purple
RGB 116 20 220
Pantone Violet C
HEX #7413dc
Scout Teal
RGB 6 132 134
Pantone 7716 C
HEX #088486
Scout Red
RGB 237 64 36
Pantone Red 032 C
HEX #ed3f23
Scout Pink
RGB 255 180 229
Pantone 183 C
HEX #ffb4e5
Scout Green
RGB 38 183 86
Pantone 347 C
HEX #25b755
Scout Navy
RGB 0 58 130
Pantone 294 C
HEX #003982
Scout Blue
RGB 0 110 224
Pantone 285 C
HEX #006ddf
Scout Yellow
RGB 255 230 39
Pantone 108 C
HEX #ffe627
Scouts Section Green
RGB 0 72 81
Pantone 316 C
HEX #004851
Scouts Forest Green
RGB 32 91 65
Pantone 554 C
HEX #205b41
Scouts Orange
RGB 255 145 42
Pantone 715 C
HEX #ff912a
Web purple
RGB 73 4 153
Pantone Violet C
HEX #490499
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Our identity
We are the 28th Glasgow (Giffnock) Scout Group.
For short (and when audiences know us, and our location): 28th Glasgow Scouts